What does God desire of me?
How do I live out my faith?
What does it really look like,
lived out in flesh and blood?
These are not new questions, of course. Even the early church, they struggled with what it meant to live out their belief in Christ Jesus. In multiple New Testament passages, we see how the three basic ideas of our Christian beliefs – faith, hope, and love – are inextricably linked together.
THESE THREE offers a basic understanding of this magnificent trinity. In the same way we say, “I believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” this book outlines the Christian life by affirming the essential connection between faith, hope, and love in the life of every Christian. God’s desire, God’s very best plan for us, is that over time we will become a person of deeper faith, a person with greater love, a person possessing a larger hope.
Read it, live it, and unleash the power of becoming the person God created you to be.